Making your virtual meetings productive

Change is the norm of the world, driven mostly by business and commerce. The business sector has evolved over the years and continues to do so, changing and adapting according to the new developments. Advancement in technology is one of the most significant factors behind the change, bringing in new practices and techniques, allowing the companies to go global. More and more companies are leveraging offshore staffing to cut down on costs and get access to distinguished professionals from various fields.

While the numerous advantages of having a remote staff working for you cannot be disregarded, it can also be a challenge. The biggest problem that any company faces while working with virtual employees is communication, particularly having meetings that can no longer be done face-to-face in the same office. There are often complaints raised by the team how these virtual meetings are a waste of time and energy, that there isn’t much gained from them. While a virtual meeting with your remote staff can never compete with a face-to-face meeting conducted in the same room, it can undoubtedly be improved by following some simple steps. Here we discuss some of the ways that you can make a virtual meeting more effective.

Proper tools of communication

Before anything, it is necessary to have the right communication tools in your possession. While phone calls and emails are used for check-ins and quick updates or imparting some new information that your team might need, setting up a video conference call is the best alternative to face-to-face meetings. It allows the team to feel more involved and pay more attention knowing that everyone can see them. So have your remote staff use tools such as Skype, Teams, or any such video call platforms to interact and collaborate. You might want to review these tools beforehand carefully to ensure they fulfill your requirements. After finalizing the communication tool, have your team get acquainted with it and its features to avoid any unnecessary issues.

Plan it in advance

A meeting will go a lot smoother if it is planned. It is true for any meeting, but more so for a virtual one. To avoid any detours or long discussions, set an agenda for every meeting with your remote staff. Outline the objective and have the topics that need to be discussed readily in advance. Stick to those topics, one at a time. Set a time frame for each discussion that you deem right, and try not to exceed that limit. This way, your meetings don’t run for long hours as well as you cover the important topics. It also allows you to keep the meeting’s number to a minimum as opposed to having them frequently, which isn’t productive.

Provide necessary details in advance

Ensure that your team is well informed about the meeting. While it does include letting them know the time well before the meeting is to take place, that’s not all it means. Apprise them of the meeting’s purpose in advance as well. If there are any reports or presentations that the meeting is focused around, send it to your remote staff before the meeting instead of having them go through it during. It allows you to save a lot of time, but more than that, it allows the team members to come into this meeting informed and prepared. You can directly tackle the questions and the concerns and get your team’s opinion. It gives your staff time to ready themselves and results in active participation.

Regulate the meeting

As the manager or the facilitator, it becomes your duty to ensure that the meeting is being conducted correctly. A meeting is fruitful when your staff is actively engaged to fulfill the meeting’s objective. So it is your duty to bring your staff together in a virtual meeting. If there are new members involved, you can dedicate a few minutes in the beginning for introductions and some informal chats to make everyone feel more comfortable. Frequently asking your members for their inputs also helps; it lets them stay focused on the discussions as well as give them space to voice their thoughts. You can also use visual infographics to aid your discussions and make them more engaging. It is your job to make every staff member feel involved and be respectful of each other.

Invite required members only

You must have heard of ‘too many cooks spoil the broth.’ It holds in this scenario as well. A virtual meeting can become challenging to manage if it involves a lot of people. It leads to distractions, and not everyone gets a chance to speak. So it is essential to keep your meeting members as few as possible. The members whose presence is absolutely required in that meeting should be invited, and others can be sent a video recording of that meeting for reference if needed. It leads to a more productive meeting.

Consider the time-zone differences

It is especially required when you deal with the offshore staff. Because of the different time zones, keep in mind the time set for the meeting. Schedule a meeting during the working hours of your team, if possible. If not, try and rotate the meeting times in a way that your team (or a few members) doesn’t draw the short end of the stick always. It also helps if you talk about them about having meetings outside working hours and that they are comfortable with it. Working with a global team can be challenging, but your efforts and consideration towards your team members go a long way in making them feel valued.

Next time you schedule a virtual meeting with your remote staff, try implementing these measures to boost the meeting’s efficiency. It may feel frustrating, but eventually, you will find your rhythm.