How to stay motivated when working remotely

Remote work has gained more and more traction within the past years because of the flexibility it can provide to both the employer and the employee. While the employees are better able to juggle their professional and personal lives by working remotely, the companies, on the other hand, get to hire top talents from anywhere in the world. Remote work certainly has its perks, and one can see why some would prefer it over the traditional work from offices.
But it comes with its own sets of challenges as well. While remote work allows flexibility to employees as they get to decide where and when to work, not having your work colleagues around can lead to loss of motivation. Loss of motivation can lead to a decrease in productivity, which is unacceptable. So to help you keep focused on your job, we share with you some ways to stay motivated when working remotely.

Set a routine

Usually, people who work from company offices have a specific routine that they follow. It can be getting a coffee from their favorite café before heading to the office, catching up on the news while traveling, chatting with their colleagues when they get to the office, checking the to-do list when they are at their desks, etc. Everyone’s routine varies. But having a set routine allows you to set up your mind for what’s to come. The same should be followed when you work remotely. Have a routine that you follow by heart so that when you get to your desk, you are ready, mentally, for the day of work that lies ahead.

Take breaks

Work can be tiring, some days more than most. Whenever you feel your focus waning and productivity dropping, it is advisable to take a break. It helps in refreshing the mind, and you can return to your work rejuvenated. A simple walk around the house can help, if not, step outside for a few minutes. Fresh air and a change of scene can help with the lacking energy. Frequent small breaks while working make you less prone to the multiple distractions around you. It won’t matter how long you have been sitting at your desk and working if you aren’t making much progress. It is better to take a short break and get back with a fresh mind instead.

Work step by step

How many times have you dreaded starting work because you know there is so much to do or a big project to work on? We have all been there. It can sometimes even lead to procrastination. But it helps when you break down the big project into tasks, set goals and take it one step at a time. This helps you in two ways, a) when you set yourself daily goals, you get a clear picture of what lies ahead and have a sense of purpose; b) every time you complete a task there is a feeling of accomplishment which can provide you motivation to complete the rest. Adopt the divide and conquer strategy.

Reward yourself

We are all familiar with this strategy; it’s certainly nothing new. You can set rewards for yourself every time you complete a task. It may sound silly, but what’s the harm if it works, right? Although it is important that you remember that the rewards are there to motivate you, not distract you from your work. So keep them appropriate. Maybe a coffee break or a quick snack, or something that you had been looking forward to. You will be more inclined to finish a task when you know a treat waits for you at the end of it.
It is normal to feel uninspired or lethargic every now and then, we are all human after all, but try not to let it impact your work too much. Next time you feel the need for motivation, give the above tips a try.