Outsourcing legal transcription

Legal firms have quickly accepted legal Process Outsourcing as a means to save money and boost productivity. Like other industries, law firms are also enjoying the benefits of outsourcing various roles and services to offshore locations. It is an ideal solution to utilize the full potential of their attorneys. One of the services that a law firm can outsource is legal transcription.

Legal transcription refers to transcribing information from various formats like audio and video into written form. During the course of a trial, there are various legal proceedings such as interviews, depositions, court hearings, testimonies, etc. that are recorded as audio files. For the ease of access to the information contained in these files, they are transcribed to the written form and formatted. It saves the lawyers the efforts of having to listen to the audio files again to access specific pieces of information. In this post, we discuss how legal firms can benefit from outsourcing legal transcription to offshore employees.

  • Focus on valuable jobs

A lawyer should dedicate their time to preparing for trial. As the small legal firms cannot afford to hire employees for every role and task, the lawyers end up taking on more responsibilities than they should. Some of them carry out the transcription themselves. Else the task gets delegated to other employees in the legal firm. By hiring a legal transcriptionist in offshore countries, legal firms can save their employee’s and lawyers’ valuable time. This time can be devoted to more valuable tasks that generate revenue and increase clients.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Outsourcing legal transcription is a lot more cost-effective than hiring an in-house transcriptionist. Employees in the US charge much more for their services than employees in countries like India. When you hire an offshore legal transcriptionist using offshore staffing, you can cut down operating costs and save money. Additionally, you will not have to pay any overhead charges such as office space, electricity, office supplies, IT hardware and software, etc. All your firm will be paying for is the services you receive from the transcriptionist.

  • Access to talented professionals

When you ask your employees to perform the transcription themselves, not only are you making them spend time on a task that takes away the focus from their job, but they also may not be transcribed accurately. By outsourcing legal transcription, you hire employees that are professional legal transcriptionists. They possess the required qualifications, skills, and knowledge to perform their job accurately. You can depend on their legal expertise and experience to produce efficient results. They understand the importance of information in the field of law, so they are scrupulous and punctual. They know the rules of legal transcription and abide by them to maintain the authenticity of the content they are transcribing.

  • Increases productivity

By outsourcing legal transcription, your firm ensures that your lawyers are focused on their clients and trials. They are no longer putting their efforts into work that is essentially not their job but required. By having transcribed scripts of every possible legal proceeding ready with them, they can straightaway focus on the case they are dealing with. They only need to refer to those scripts to get their facts aligned for the case. It saves the law firm a lot of time. The lawyers have only to do their job, which increases their productivity. They can get more work done in a day now.

  • Scaling up and down

When your firm starts to grow, and the workload starts increasing, you will require more than one or two legal transcriptionists in your services. That means more work for your HR and more spending for your firm. But if you hire through offshore staffing, you can scale up and down as required. If the workload increases, you can hire additional legal transcriptionists for your firm to meet the increasing demand with short notice. But if you feel you need to let go of employees due to less work, you can do that as well. No more hiring hassle! Outsourcing allows you to meet the demands of your firm promptly without having to make long-term commitments.

Transcription is an integral part of the legal world. Proceedings need to be transcribed on a daily basis to proceed in a trial effectively. Don’t let budget or lack of talent impact the quality of services at your firm. Outsource legal transcription to offshore locations and enjoy cost-effective and high-quality services.