How to decide the tasks to delegate to virtual assistants

Virtual assistants are an effective way to organize your business life. Try as you might, there is no way to get each and every business task done yourselves. At least not without overworking yourself and burning out. Long hours spent at your desk will eventually catch up with you. It is not just important but necessary to delegate. Hiring virtual assistants is an ideal solution to get some work off your plate. It has a direct impact on your productivity. With more time on your hand, you can focus on the valuable tasks and achieve more for your company. So if you find your work-life a hassle, hire a virtual assistant.

Once you know you need one, the next step is to identify and decide the tasks to delegate to the virtual assistant. You don’t want to dump anything and everything on your virtual assistant. They are qualified and skilled professionals who excel at various jobs, but hiring a virtual assistant without a plan or strategy is not going to yield any results. So before you go looking for virtual assistants, you need to be clear about the jobs you need them to do for you. Below, we share with you a few ways you can decide which tasks you need to be delegated.

Delegate the repetitive tasks

At your work, there are certain tasks that need to be performed regularly and are usually process-driven. While they may not be difficult to do or take up a lot of your time, they still need to be done, and you are spending time doing these tasks daily. You can benefit from delegating such tasks to your virtual assistant. These tasks require your attention and efforts, and usually fall in the category of extra work. Instead, spend this energy doing your actual job.

Delegate the tasks you don’t like

We are all familiar with some jobs that we don’t like to do, but it needs to be done, so we do it regardless. Because someone has to do it, right? That someone doesn’t necessarily have to be you. Such tasks can be mentally exhausting. You don’t need to take on such stress when you can simply hire a virtual assistant to do them for you. We understand it may hold importance to your job or company, but a capable virtual assistant will be able to perform it with excellence. So don’t force yourself to do tasks you hate, instead, do what you like. Getting to do what you enjoy can alone positively impact your productivity.

Delegate the tasks that take up a lot of time

There are only so many hours in a working day, and you need to prioritize to make the most of them. Delegating the tasks that take up a lot of your time is the quickest way to free up your time. As long as it isn’t something that requires your attention, it can be delegated. It can be a simple thing like email management. Rifling and sorting through your emails daily can be time-consuming. Yet, it needs to be done because it is the most common mode of business correspondence. You don’t want to miss out on any urgent emails. A virtual assistant can efficiently manage your emails while you focus on your job.

Delegate the tasks that aren’t your area of expertise

We all have our niches and specialties. If you are toiling over a task that doesn’t fall under your expertise, you are probably taking double the time to complete them, or the quality of results may be lacking. Virtual assistants are generally skilled at a wide range of tasks and can take care of such tasks efficiently. There are also specialized VAs that you can hire for field-specific jobs.

Delegate the tasks that take away your focus

Lastly, any task that is taking away focus from your job should be delegated to your virtual assistant. Sometimes there are tasks that you maybe don’t mind doing. But they are still not required to be done by you. They are distractions and therefore are better left to your virtual assistant.

These steps are a simple way to list all the tasks that can be delegated to a virtual assistant. But you should keep in mind that all the tasks you delegate should be the ones that don’t require your application. Virtual assistants can help you balance your work schedule, and lets you apply yourself to high-value tasks.